Struś (PosteRiso#11)
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Title: Struś
Author: Marta Tomiak
Printing: Riso
Colours: 4 (black, yellow, pink, blue)
Format: A3 (420/297mm)
Paper: Munken Pure 240g
Edition: 100 copies
First edition
Signed with three stamps on the back: „printed on Riso by Oficyna Peryferie”, X/100 numeration with „I edition" mark and a stamp with information about the author and a title.
Print is a part of PosteRiso#11, edition that consists of prints made by yours favourite artists, selected by voting among everyone, who has taken a part of the first 10 editions.
SOCIAL DISCOUNT - what is it about?
I don't like it when money is an obstacle in anything. Because of that, If you cannot afford to buy any of the work from Oficyna's shop, I can offer You a SOCIAL DISCOUNT. I don't check the faxes and I don't verify the income, everything is based on a trust – If you have the courage to admit, that you care for one of our work, but you just cannot afford it, this is what I say – pay, how much you can. From the commercial point of view, it is a loss of money for me. But from the social point of view, it is actually a profit. I belive that, what I should do as a person that is running a proprietorship (avoiding business word intentionally), is to build a positive social capital in the community that I'm working in. The truth is, I can function because of this community.
My philosophy is that – If you see value in Oficyna's publications, but due to lack of money, you cannot afford to buy them, I want to help You. But, If you do have money and you're asking for a discount, because you don't think the works are worth their price, you won't get the discount.
How do I check it? I don't. I take your word for it. It works like this – if you want to get a SOCIAL DISCOUNT – write an e-mail to me on and say, that you want to use it. I will answer and tell you what we're going to do.