Untitled II (PosteRiso#13)
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Title: Untitled II
Author: Ramon Keimig
Printing: Riso
Colours: czarny, czarny przechodzący w granat, zielony, żółty i różowy
Format: A3 (420/297mm)
Paper: Munken Pure 240g
Edition: 100 copies
First edition
Signed with three stamps on the back: „printed on Riso by Oficyna Peryferie”, X/100 numeration with „I edition" mark and a stamp with information about the author and a title.
My printing commentary: This is the second print of Ramon from the PosteRiso series. I printed it by improvising with discoloration of the black cartridge with navy blue in a similar way to „Untitled I". Also, I have added a delicate layer of yellow, which complements some blank spots. I've had some troubles with matching the colours - black layer was printed at the end (the rest of the layers should've been matched to black one). I set the order for paper to not to stain from the roller that takes sheets in the place where the big black spot is printed. Edition has 100 copies, but in secret I can tell, that I've printed almost two houndred and choose the best ones.
(Michał Chojecki, 28.09.2020)
Print was published as a part of PosteRiso project - regulary, every few months I invite various artists to create a print especially for Oficyna towards printing on riso. I choose designers and illustrators thoughtfully, whose work inspires me and I want to promote. As a curator of the concept and a printer, I put my heart and soul into every print and I invite you to discover and collect riso prints together.
Prints are available individually or in sets.